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About us

As part of the second Swiss Na­tional Cy­ber Strategy (NCS 2018 - 2022) the fed­eral in­sti­tutes of tech­no­logy EPFL in Lausanne and ETH in Zürich have com­mit­ted to the es­tab­lish­ment of the Swiss Sup­port Cen­ter for Cy­ber­se­cur­ity (SSCC). SSCC started expanding, and ZHAW joined the SSCC as of January 2023.

We sup­port Swiss gov­ern­mental agen­cies and the Swiss in­dustry in the pro­cess of tack­ling con­tem­por­ary and fu­ture chal­lenges re­lated to cy­ber se­cur­ity.

Our goal is not to com­pete with ex­ist­ing, well es­tab­lished in­sti­tu­tions, but to com­ple­ment ex­ist­ing in­ter­faces and to act within the fed­eral in­sti­tutes of tech­no­logy as a com­pre­hens­ive ser­vice that provides a cent­ral in­form­a­tion source of on­go­ing cy­ber se­cur­ity re­lated ini­ti­at­ives. We thus want to pro­mote and foster syn­er­gies, fill gaps, and provide a point of con­tact, and of course to sup­port cy­ber se­cur­ity re­lated pro­jects.