Swiss Support Center for Cybersecurity

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About us

As part of the second Swiss Na­tional Cy­ber Strategy (NCS 2018 - 2022) the fed­eral in­sti­tutes of tech­no­logy EPFL in Lausanne and ETH in Zürich have com­mit­ted to the es­tab­lish­ment of the Swiss Sup­port Cen­ter for Cy­ber­se­cur­ity (SSCC).  

As the se­cur­ity re­search and sup­port cen­ter of the Swiss fed­eral in­sti­tutes of tech­no­lo­gies (EPFL Lausanne and ETH Zürich) we sup­port Swiss gov­ern­mental agen­cies and the Swiss in­dustry in the pro­cess of tack­ling con­tem­por­ary and fu­ture chal­lenges re­lated to cy­ber se­cur­ity.

Note that there are mul­tiple en­tit­ies that act as in­ter­faces to re­search fa­cil­it­ies at EPFL and ETHZ such as C4DT, ZISC and oth­ers. Our goal is not to com­pete with ex­ist­ing, well es­tab­lished in­sti­tu­tions, but to com­ple­ment ex­ist­ing in­ter­faces and to act within the fed­eral in­sti­tutes of tech­no­logy as a com­pre­hens­ive ser­vice that provides a cent­ral in­form­a­tion source of on­go­ing cy­ber se­cur­ity re­lated ini­ti­at­ives. We thus want to pro­mote and foster syn­er­gies, fill gaps, and provide a point of con­tact, and of course to sup­port cy­ber se­cur­ity re­lated pro­jects.

How to Find Us

Besides locations at our home institutes in Lausanne and Zürich the Swiss Support Center for Cybersecurity (SSCC) is present in Bern, where we are located within the ETH-​Rat premises. The presence in Bern depends on the demand and we kindly ask you to schedule meetings in Bern in advance.

Office in Bern

ETH Rat 
Support Center for Cybersecurity (SSCC)

Hirschengraben 3

3011 Bern


Office in Lausanne

EPF Lausanne 
Center for Digital Trust (C4DT)

Dr. Imad Aad

EPFL - C4DT Station 14

1015 Lausanne


Office in Zurich

ETH Zürich 
Institute of Information Security

Dr. Patrick Schaller

CNB F 100.5
Universitätstrasse 6

8092 Zürich


The mission of the SSCC is to support governmental and industrial bodies as well the Swiss society as a whole in the process of facing today’s increasing and complex challenges in cyber security.


CYD proof of concept Fellowships program promoting research and innovation in cyber-defence has been launched by the EPFL and the Cyber-Defence (CYD) Campus. A rolling call for applications is now open and talented, future entrepreneurs with an innovative vision in cyber-defence are strongly encouraged to apply.